Harold the pet slug and other friends

Nearly everybody had the ‘playful and fun’ planticon (Daisies) at the beginning this time, which probably shows that we all know to get in the right mood for green cloud, in advance. However, Rex was in a state of mild to moderate agitation (Bird of Paradise) at having to do all the techie things, with Vanessa away for the day.

We started off with a video of a small slimy creature crawling across Leanne’s bedsheet; some of us couldn’t bear to watch – and it is perhaps the most un-pet-like pet we have yet met.

A much more attractive animal in this shot – we have a soft spot for donkeys!

Other members contributed beautiful sunsets
and landscapes

And this wonderful tree – plus some very tempting baking 🙂

It was great to have Sam and Candida join us – and even better that they got into the spirit of it all straight away. Now they are with us as ‘staff’ (not that you can usually tell the difference) it should mean that we can continue every week without having to cancel when Vanessa or Rex are away.

Sharon did one of her mischief quizzes – half on animals and half on plants. Do you know that there are no such thing as mongeese (the plural is mongooses), asparagus takes 2 or 3 years to produce its first crop, and what a fetlock is? It wasn’t at all competitive (lie) so I’m not going to say who won. Even more daisies for check-out at the end.


Uplifted by nature and fun!