Nurturing Minds, Transforming Lives:
Innovating Mental Healthcare
At Growing Better Lives, we are committed to co-producing and reshaping the landscape of mental healthcare through innovation, research and collaboration. As a dedicated community interest company, our mission is to co-create therapeutic spaces, cultivate well-being, and empower individuals on their journeys to mental wellness.
At Growing Better Lives we believe that good relationships are key to creating mental wellbeing: relationships with others, relationships with ourselves and relationships with our planet. We collaborate with community partners in the UK and beyond to advance the field of greencare research and create spaces for everyone to share in nature. Growing Better Lives aims to facilitate mental wellness for people from all cultures and backgrounds.
Apart from offering consultancy services and collaborating with greencare and community projects, in December 1995 Growing Better Lives started to offer Living-Learning Experiences (LLEs). This was for Therapeutic Community (TC) practitioners and other mental health professionals to come together for three days and live in a “community” that was both immersive and experiential, based on the NHS programme that was operating in Reading, Berkshire. In 2022, Growing Better Lives stepped back from offering LLEs in the UK but we continue to offer International LLEs (INLLEs). Some of the countries we work in are India, Italy, Portugal and Canada.